Banana yogurt muffins
Banana yogurt muffins

Hello everybody, hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, banana yogurt muffins. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I will make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Banana yogurt muffins is one of the most well liked of recent trending meals in the world. It’s enjoyed by millions daily. It’s simple, it’s quick, it tastes yummy. They’re nice and they look fantastic. Banana yogurt muffins is something which I have loved my whole life.

I had bananas and yogurt in the house, and I wanted to bake some muffins, so I combined two recipes and came up with these moist muffins. Reviews for: Photos of Banana Yogurt Muffins. Greek yogurt banana muffins are loaded with chocolate chips and protein rich Greek yogurt.

To begin with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook banana yogurt muffins using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Banana yogurt muffins:
  1. Prepare 1 cup bran cereal
  2. Prepare 1 cup mashed banans
  3. Prepare 3/4 cup plain yogurt
  4. Make ready 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  5. Make ready 1 tsp baking powder
  6. Get 1 tsp baking soda
  7. Make ready 1/2 tsp salt
  8. Take 1/2 cup chopped nuts and/or rasins
  9. Take 2 eggs
  10. Make ready 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  11. Prepare 1/4 cup cooking oil

These banana oat yogurt muffins are perfect for breakfast or a light snack. Although the texture is not quite like a typical bakery muffin, the taste is. Greek yogurt banana muffins are loaded with chocolate chips and protein rich Greek yogurt. Perfect for a healthy lunchbox snack, a quick breakfast or a bite-sized brunch hors d'oeuvre, these banana yogurt muffins are moist and flavorful.

Steps to make Banana yogurt muffins:
  1. Combine bran cereal, bananas and yogurt in medium bowl. Let stand for couple of minutes to allow cereal to soften. Meanwhile, conbine flour, baking powder,baking soda,salt and nuts and/or raisins in a large bowl; set aside.
  2. Stir eggs, sugar oil into bran mixture, then add to dry ingredients; stir just until combined
  3. Spoon batter evenly into 12 greased or paper- lined muffin cups.
  4. Bake in a preheated 400°F (200degrees C) until tops spring back when pressed, about 17 to 20 minutes. Let muffins cool in pan for a few minutes, then remove to a wire rack to finish cooling. Store in an airtight container

Raspberry Banana Oatmeal Muffins with White Chocolate ChipsLord Byron's Kitchen. Yogurt Muffins with Chocolate ChipsAs receitas lá de casa. Almost fat free, healthy banana muffins with chocolate chips for a little indulgence. The greek yogurt adds protein and keeps the muffins moist. My Banana Bread Muffins are tender, delicious, and moist.

So that is going to wrap it up with this special food banana yogurt muffins recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I’m sure that you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!